The Mesopotamian Civilization
Cradle of civilization, agriculture, writing and having its roots approximately in the 10th millennium BC, Mesopotamia (bringing together different peoples such as the Sumerians , the Akkadians , the Assyrians and the Babylonians for example) is considered one of the oldest known civilizations in the world!
After development which accelerated in the 7th and 6th millennia BC. JC, it saw the appearance of its first states and large cities bringing together religious, economic centers and political institutions in the 4th millennium BC. JC.
Highly developed city-states consisting of an established social organization, as well as breathtaking architecture and urbanization. A city-state such as the ancient city of Uruk for example, today located in southern Iraq.
It is also the place that saw the emergence of what is considered today to be the first writing system in the world , and which we call Cuneiforms !

The famous epic of Gilgamesh , one of the oldest written stories in the world, recounting the adventures of Gilgamesh , legendary King of Uruk , originated in Mesopotamia.
They put in place the first legal treaties such as the famous code of Hammurabi , and set up a developed economic system with several institutions such as palaces and temples regulating the different flows.
Filled with incredible artistic, artisanal and architectural know-how (not even to mention the scientific knowledge they had at the time), the Mesopotamians were able to develop over the millennia a mythology and a rich culture which influenced the most of the peoples and civilizations that succeeded it.
Indeed, Mesopotamian mythology and gods are among the oldest known.
Gods having created man and governing their destinies. Gods such as the Anunnakis which I refer to in the following article: The Anunnakis

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