The Temple of Apollo and Gnothi Sauton 🏛

Have you ever heard of the Temple of Apollo or the famous Gnothi Sauton precept?
The Temple of Apollo is a sacred temple of ancient Greece which was located in the city of Delphi.
An almost mythical temple, but which really existed and whose ruins can also be visited today.
The particularity of this temple is that it housed within its sacred heart the oracle of Delphi, where stood the Pythia (Πυθία), who was considered the intermediary between humans and Apollo himself.
Thus, throughout ancient Greece and sometimes beyond, the oracles of Pythia were in great demand. For example, it was consulted on numerous occasions by Athens or Sparta before the start of a war or a battle.
Concerning Gnothi Sauton (Γνῶθι Σαυτόν)—which comes from ancient Greek—it is a maxim attributed to the god Apollo himself and meaning “know thyself”.
It is according to the different sources of this period which have reached us, such as the writings of Plato for example, the oldest precept which was engraved at the entrance to the temple of Apollo at Delphi.
Apollo being the Greek god of the arts, music, healing and even light.
Click on the image below to discover the t-shirt created by ARCHAIA CREATIONS inspired by the temple of Apollo and the maxim Gnothi Sauton 👇